6 Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Straightener Uterine Cancer Claims

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Straightener Uterine Cancer Claims

A study from the National Institutes of Health states that women who have used hair straightening products in the past are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with uterine cancer. This was especially applicable to women who used a hair straightener more than four times in a single year.

Suppose you developed uterine cancer after using a hair straightener; then, you should take legal action against the responsible parties. The product liability attorneys at Dolman Law Group and other law firms are experts at helping victims understand the basics of a hair straightener lawsuit and guiding them through the process.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss six commonly asked questions about hair straightener uterine cancer claims.

How do I know if I qualify to file a hair straightener case?

There is only one eligibility criteria for filing a hair straightener case. The victim must have used a hair straightener and been diagnosed with uterine cancer. This is the basis of a hair straightener case.

If you believe you fit the criteria, you must seek an experienced product liability lawyer immediately.

Does the National Institute of Health’s research prove that the use of hair straighteners causes uterine cancer?

Yes, the report can be used to support your hair straightener case. The research by the National Institutes of Health says that women who use hair straighteners are more likely to be diagnosed with uterine cancer.

This study also says that 60% of black women are more likely to develop uterine cancer than white women in the United States. Around 65,950 new hair straightener cases have been reported in 2022.

What is the deadline for filing a hair straightener case?

If you are diagnosed with uterine cancer after using a hair straightener, then you only have a limited amount of time to file a hair straightener case. That is, you need to file a hair straightener case within three years from the date of the diagnosis of uterine cancer.

The statute of limitations for filing a case differs from state to state. That is one of the major reasons you should consult an experienced attorney for legal proceedings.

What are the advantages of hiring a product liability attorney for my case?

As the cause of uterine cancer happens to be a hair straightener, product liability laws will be applicable. An attorney can help you in the following ways:

  • Explain the legal options for compensation
  • Calculate all the damages you sustained as the result of uterine cancer
  • File a case against a hair straightener manufacturer or distributor
  • Prove your case in court
  • Get fair compensation

hiring a product liability attorney

How much do I have to pay for an attorney for my hair straightener uterine cancer case?

You do not have to pay any hourly fees or upfront charges to the attorney. For product liability cases, most experienced attorneys will work on a contingency fee basis. The attorney will take a percentage of your compensation, which you receive from a hair straightener manufacturer or distributor.

What compensation can I recover for my hair straightener uterine cancer case?

Those suffering from uterine cancer will have to deal with a host of damages. They can be either physical, psychological, or financial. You can recover all these damages through a lawsuit.

Here are some of the damages that an attorney will help you get:

  • The expense of past and future medical treatment
  • Present and future lost earnings
  • Present and future pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

Final Thoughts

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and you’re regularly using a hair straightener, you may have a valid case on your hands. The questions listed in this article are just a few of the many that a victim will have. Get in touch with an attorney to learn more about a hair straightener uterine cancer lawsuit.