Stem Cell Therapy for back Pain

How Stem Cell Therapy is Used to Treat Back Pain

Suffering from back pain can be incredibly painful and leave your life severely disrupted. Even relatively minor conditions can render you unable to sleep properly, drive your car for meaningful distances or tie your shoelaces.

What’s more, the longer you suffer from your back pain, the more chances there are of further problems cropping up. If you have to stop exercising, for example, then your body will become less flexible. This could cause your back pain to become worse or risk pulling another muscle.

Therefore, you must seek out a treatment solution as soon as possible.

There are several treatment options available to you, depending on the severity of your injury.

One possible solution is stem cell therapy, which offers several key benefits as an alternative to surgery. This is especially pertinent if your back pain is severe but you want to avoid the risks of an intrusive procedure.

This is how stem cell therapy can be used to treat back pain:

Stem cell therapy is rising in popularity

Stem cell therapy is being used to treat an increasing number of physical conditions - including back injuries.

It offers a new way of approaching medical treatment - using the body’s natural healing abilities rather than cutting into the body to manually make alterations.

This is why it is referred to in the medical community as ‘regenerative’ therapy, helping the affected area to repair itself naturally. For those seeking expert care in this field, the Texas Joint Institute offers advanced stem cell treatments for back pain.

The alternative is, of course, surgery. While only minimally invasive, it brings with it more risks of side effects than stem cell treatment. This is to be expected because a surgeon has to cut into the body and make alterations, running a small risk of infection or bleeding.

You can learn more about stem cell therapy for back pain at

How can stem cell therapy treat back pain?

To take a slipped disc as an example, stem cells are injected into the affected area. They then help the damaged disc to heal and continue to do so until the process is complete.

These stem cells will also dull the pain, reducing inflammation and making the recovery period faster and more painless than the equivalent surgery.

What else can you do to relieve back pain?

Of course, if you are waiting for treatment or are trying to recover, it is important to manage the pain from your back injury as best you can.

For example, you should maintain flexibility within your back as much as possible. To achieve this, gently stretch at least once a day, but always stop if it becomes painful.

Furthermore, avoid putting strain on your back during your recovery by sitting out of intense exercise and any heavy lifting. This will only aggravate your injury and land you straight back at square one.

Lastly, and perhaps most obviously, you should help your body fight the injury by maintaining a healthy diet and consistent sleep patterns.