What does airplane mode do

What Does Airplane Mode do to Your Phone?

What is Airplane Mode?

We’ve all seen that little airplane icon on our phones. You know, the one that shows a tiny plane with signal bars crossed out? That’s airplane mode. When you switch on airplane mode, it disables all wireless connections on your device – cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, etc. Basically, anything that sends or receives signals gets turned off. 

Why Do We Have Airplane Mode in the First Place?

Airplane mode was introduced to allow people to safely use devices like phones, tablets, and laptops while in flight, without interfering with sensitive aircraft instrumentation. We all know we have to switch our phones off or to airplane mode during takeoff and landing. This is because when a phone tries to connect to the network while flying at hundreds of miles per hour, it struggles to maintain a solid cellular connection. 

The phone will boost its signal strength to the maximum in an attempt to connect, and this amplified radio frequency emission could theoretically impact flight systems. Better to be safe than sorry! By enabling airplane mode, you eliminate this risk entirely.

Of course, airplane mode doesn’t just benefit air travel. It’s equally handy when you simply want to disconnect from the grid for a bit. If you need to concentrate without distractions or conserve battery power, flipping on airplane mode can do the trick. It gives you full offline functionality while cutting battery drainage from hunting for signal or Maintaining connections.

What Does Airplane Mode Do?

Wondering what does airplane mode do? When you turn on airplane mode, either through its quick settings toggle or in your Settings menu, it severs ties between the device’s hardware and its wireless antennas. This prevents any radio transmissions to or from the device. 

On modern smartphones, enabling airplane mode typically cuts connections to:

  • Cellular networks (no calls, texts, or mobile data)
  • WiFi 
  • Bluetooth
  • GPS and location services 
  • NFC (mobile payments and transfers)  
  • Wireless accessories

Some devices also disable FM radio receivers and transmitters in airplane mode. And remember – airplane mode only affects wireless connections. Wired headphone audio, camera use, app functionality, alarms and anything else not requiring an aerial signal will continue working just fine in this mode.

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Does Airplane Mode Turn Off All Connectivity?

The vast majority of connectivity gets blocked when you activate airplane mode, but some exceptions remain at your discretion. Once enabled, airplane mode creates a blank slate regarding wireless functions. You can then toggle back on anything you may want to use as needed, like Bluetooth or WiFi. This allows airline passengers to continue grooving to their Spotify playlists via Bluetooth headphones without cell networks causing interference. 

But not every airline or country permits the use of Bluetooth devices in flight either, so make sure to adhere to regulations. For example in the EU, airlines can allow Bluetooth accessories to remain active in airplane mode. Others prohibit their operation entirely. As they say, better check than wreck!

Does Airplane Mode Preserve Battery Life?  

Absolutely! Any time you cut out processes that rely on wireless antennas hunting for signals, you dramatically reduce power drain. Your battery works extra hard when your device struggles to lock onto networks. Poor reception equates to amplified transmission strength, meaning higher energy consumption.

Switching on airplane mode essentially relieves your phone from this battery-hogging exercise in futility. Power efficiency skyrockets since it no longer has to maintain these connections across miles and relay data back and forth. Tests suggest that battery life can nearly double for some devices just by using airplane mode, even with fairly consistent app usage.

There are plenty of circumstances where preserving battery life overrides the need for constant access. Camping trips, music festivals and other weekends of decadence come to mind. If you want to snap endless photos and not worry about your battery dying the morning after, airplane mode can help you party harder.  

Are There Any Downsides to Using Airplane Mode?

Airplane mode decisively severs connectivity, which proves both a strength and a weakness. With networks blocked, you lose access to everything from emails and texts to rideshares and food delivery. Streaming also gets taken off the table unless you have offline media saved. Losing GPS similarly means you’d better not attempt navigating unfamiliar territory without caching maps beforehand. 

You essentially sacrifice convenience and modern smart device functionality for efficiency and focus. While tolerable or even nourishing in small doses, losing connection in the long term could pose professional, personal, and practical challenges for those tied to constant communications. Additionally, if you were to run into an emergency without network access, you’d lack the ability to easily phone emergency services.

How to Use Airplane Mode More Effectively?

To employ airplane mode most effectively, tweak your settings to selectively allow desired connections as needed:

  1.  Activate airplane mode through your quick settings (where you adjust screen brightness, Bluetooth, etc.) or phone settings menu. 
  2. Check the status bar at the top of your screen to confirm it has switched on, signified by the airplane icon.
  3. Open settings and go to airplane mode. Tap the wording itself, likely highlighted in green or blue to indicate active status.
  4. This will open connectivity controls to individually toggle back on things like WiFi and Bluetooth if still needed in airplane mode. For example, activate WiFi to send emails without cellular interference.  
  5. Configure any exceptions you need while keeping battery-draining mobile networks blocked. Only tweak antenna settings when safely on solid ground!


So in summary, airplane mode disconnects power-hungry wireless connections to maximize functionality on an aircraft, subway train or campground. Rather than completely powering off, it curbs distractions and ekes out extra usage time per charge. Moderating connectivity promotes engagement with real people and places in the moment. Airplane mode empowers you to work, play, or relax on your terms, largely uninterrupted.